Skier Cross / Boarder Cross - IMPORTANT UPDATES - 2.27.22

27 Feb 2022 by Cara Ostrow

Important Updates for Today’s Event

Based on feedback from last night’s Rider’s Meeting, we have extended the training run periods to be a full half hour. The updated schedule is attached. Please be at the top, ready to drop, at your scheduled times.

We are asking all parents to please stay outside of the start area. We have increased our staffing to ensure that the area and kids are organized, and are asking that only MMSA Race Department staff are in the start area to allow us to best do our jobs in running a smooth competition.

We are using the same heat and bracketing system as yesterday’s event. ALL ATHLETES WILL GET TWO RUNS – THE SECOND RUN WILL BE THE RUN THAT COUNTS TOWARDS YOUR RESULTS. The first run will determine the seeding orders for the second run. Once your athlete finished their first run, they should remain in the finish area so we can confirm their place, and then head back up to the Start for their second run. COACHES – please make sure your athletes take their second run.

Start lists & schedules will be released shortly. For any questions during the event, please consult the Technical Supervisor at the top of the course. For any other issues, please email our Series Director, Ben Wisner, at

Our goal at the Mammoth Unbound Series is to put on a fun & fair event for the kids, within the capacity of our operations and staff. We appreciate everyone’s participation & cooperation – LET’S MAKE IT A GREAT DAY!